
Showing posts from September, 2024

A pandemic killer made by capitalism

A pandemic made by capitalism November 9, 2010 Joe Allen looks at a new book which challenges the conventional wisdom that fighting diabetes is about "personal responsibility" and "discipline." Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Email this story Click for more options SOON AFTER my mother turned 60 years old in 1997, I was talking to her on the phone when, toward the end of our conversation, she suddenly announced, "I have diabetes." Like many people who are confronted with the news that a close relative or friend is diagnosed with the dreaded illness, I was stunned, then confused. My mother was neither overweight nor sedentary--two of the things that I most identified with "adult onset" or Type 2 diabetes. She struggled during the next 10 years of her life with pricking her fingers to measure her blood sugar levels and the daily insulin shots, before she passed away. Since then, diabetes has never been very far from my min

The medical-industrial complex

The medical-industrial complex Back in the 1950s, Eisenhower warned about what he called the military industrial complex, whereby a powerful coalition of generals and chief executives conspired to talk up the threat from the Soviet Union, exaggerating the so-called ‘missile gap’ and seeing threats where none existed.26 The goal was not to protect the United States, but instead to transfer vast sums of money from the federal budget to the coffers of the corporations, and ultimately to those generals who would move seamlessly into their employment on retirement. This is a model that has since been widely emulated. There is the security industrial complex, whereby corporations and government officials, many also looking for a lucrative retirement home, have conspired to spend billions of euros and dollars on ineffective systems of airport security.27 This has resulted in countless people having their cosmetics, nail files and the like confiscated while the few people who actua